1. NAME. 1. The Club shall be called:
1.The club shall consist of an Honorary President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon Secretary or secretaries, Treasurer and members.
2.Officers and committee can appoint honorary life members, (President, Patron (s) etc) and honorary life members, should they wish to honour such a person or persons.
The officers of the club shall be the President, Treasurer and secretary re secretaries, who shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election.
1.The club may appoint Hon Life Patron(s) and President (s) with full committee participation rights.
2. In the event of an officer, for any reason, ceases to hold office during the administration year, the committee shall be empowered to nominate a member to fill vacancy to add to their number if found necessary.
3. Officers and committee members may not hold a position as an officer or committee member of any other KC Registered Bull Terrier Club. The only exceptions being ,the Bull Terrier club and The Coloured Bull Terrier Club.
4. At the last committee meeting prior to an AGM the committee shall decide its nominations for officers for the forthcoming year. The names of such officers and positions to be placed before the AGM for ratification.
1.To promote the Bull Terrier Breed. To protect and advance in every legitimate way the interests of the breed and members of the club.
1. The club shall consist of an unlimited number of members of either sex, whose names and addresses shall be recorded by the secretary.
2. New members may apply to join the club on completion of a membership application form duly proposed, signed current member and forwarded to the secretary or treasurer complete with annual subscription.
2.1 Membership is open 17 (seventeen) year old and below at half standard subscription rate, or as set in rule 6. Such membership will be treated as full members but without voting rights.
2.2 Membership applications to be placed before next committee meeting for acceptance or otherwise – adopted/refused by simple majority.
3. Any member changing his or her residence shall communicate his or her address to the secretary in writing, who shall register the same.
4. All notices or requests posted to members’ last registered address shall be held as duly given out the day following that on which they were posted.
5. No member shall be allowed to take part in any meeting or proceedings of the club, or any of its committees, until his or her subscription, or any other money he or she may owe to the club has been paid, nor may he or she compete for any of the clubs ‘specials’. A newly joined member may not take part in a meeting, or vote, until his or her name has been approved by the committee.
6. The committee shall have the power to refuse membership to any person who, in their opinion, is not fit and proper person to be a member, without being obliged to give a reason.
1. Subscriptions will be set by the officers and committee jointly and submitted to the AGM for ratification.
2. Members who fail to pay subscriptions by the end of the February will cease to be members of the club. (KK.C 3a 2 01-07-97)
2.1 Membership may be renewed by payment of subscriptions during current year.
1. The management of the club shall be vested in the officers and committee jointly. They shall have power to elect members, call meetings, make by-laws, arbitrate disputes affecting the club, promote shows, offer prizes and specials for competition and generally to do such things as they may deem necessary to further the interests of the club and its members. The committee to be confined to twelve, exclusive of officers, one-third of whom shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. The committee may co-opt members as vacancies occur and such member(s) so co-opted shall serve until the nest AGM and shall be eligible for re-election.
1.1 All nominees for committee must have at least two full current consecutive years membership of the club.
1.2 These nominations to be proposed and seconded by members of at least two full consecutive year’s membership of the club.
1.3 All nominations to be signed by: Nominee, Proposer and Seconder.
1.4 All nominations for committee must be in writing (proposed and seconded) and submitted to the club secretary by last day of February.
2. Any committee member missing three or more consecutive committee meetings without adequate excuse, automatically ceases to be a committee member, and the committee are at liberty to co=opt a new member in his or her place.
3. Any additional alteration and/or amendments to those proposed in notice convening the annual general meeting, duly proposed and seconded will appear in papers presented to the AGM.
4. In the event of the club ceasing to exist for any reason the officers and committee shall decide on the disposal of any assets of the club.
1. All books, cups, trophies and property of the club of what-ever description shall be under the control of the officers and committee, and shall be delivered up to them on demand.
1. Auditors will be appointed annually by the AGM of members.
1. All monies of the club to be posited at a major bank and/or major building society. All cheques will be signed by TWO of FOUR nominated signatories. No expense shall be incurred by the officers and committee, or secretary and treasurer beyond the funds of the club.
1. Should guarantees be asked for by any All Breed Show Society, the secretary must forward the clubs judging list from which a judge must be selected. The club may also support shows in cases where suitable classification and judge are already arranged, if asked to do so.
1. General meetings – a general meeting of members shall be held annually in the months of March, or as soon as possible after March if circumstances prevent this month. The kennel club being informed accordingly. Joint membership of the club allows both members to vote. Voting of officers and general committee places to be carried out amongst ALL fully paid up members as at last day of February of the year the AGM is held. In that a postal ballot be held. Ballot papers to be returned by members for counting 9 (nine) days prior to AGM to a nominated officer teller. Such information of count being forwarded to club secretary 4 (four) days prior to AGM in a SEALED envelope which will not be opened until appropriate time during AGM. Notice of general meetings will be given to members in writing at least 14 (fourteen) clear days prior to date of meeting. Alternatively in the dog world press, in a similar time scale. Such notifications shall contain the meeting and business to be conducted (KC3a 01-07-97) that in future all proposals submitted to the secretary for discussion at the AGM be known to all members prior to the AGM including proposals made by the committee. This is in order that those members interested in certain proposals will be encouraged to attend the meeting.
1.1 To approve the minutes of the last general meeting
1.2 To receive the report of the secretary
1.3 To receive and adopt the accounts and balance sheet for the preceding year. The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December
1.4 To appoint official teller to conduct ballot count, the official teller cannot be a member of any Bull Terrier Club
1.5 To appoint qualified auditor for the ensuing year .Alternative to OUR QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT, two unqualified individuals with accountancy experience may be appointed to audit accounts. (KC.06.92 Para 8)
1.6 To alter or amend rules and regulations
1.7 No business shall be transacted other than on the agenda
2. The secretary may at time and upon requisition signed by any 30 (thirty) members of the club, specifying the special business for which such meeting is required, summon a special general meeting. Should the secretary refuse or fail to call the meeting ,the requisitioners may do so. Upon the receipt of such a requisition the secretary shall within 1Fourteen) days call a special meeting of members. Notice of such special general meeting to be given to every member, and each notice shall state distinctly the purpose for which it is called. No other business may be considered at such a meeting than that upon the agenda paper.
3. At a general meeting 30 (thirty) members shall form a quorum and the chairman shall have a casting vote.
3.1 At special general meeting 30 (thirty) members shall form a quorum and the chairman shall have a casting vote.
3.2 If a quorum is not present at an AGM at the scheduled time of meeting, the meeting will start at the chairman’s discretion. At which time those present shall form a quorum, PROVIDED two-thirds of the club’s officials are present. Clubs officials being Patrons, Presidents, Club Chairman, and Secretaries.
4. At AGM or SGM the chair shall be taken by the clubs president or clubs chairman. In their absence the committee shall select a chairman.
1. A member wishing to bring any relevant matter up at a Committee Meeting may do so, providing such a matter is forwarded to the secretary in writing. The secretary must then put such motion on the agenda of the next committee meeting.
1. The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be selected by the committee out of their number at the first committee held after the Annual General meeting in each year. The Chairman shall ipso facto become the Club Chairman. Sat sall meetings of the committee the Chairman or Vice Chairman shall preside, or in their absence a member of the committee shall be appointed to take the chair at the meeting.
2. The chairman of any meeting shall have a second or casting vote in the event of equality in voting.
1. At least 14 (fourteen) clear days notice shall be given in writing to each member of the Annual General or Special General Meeting. A printed copy of Accounts and Balance sheet to be submitted at an Annual General Meeting shall be forwarded to each member.
1. The committee may, on occasions, appoint from amongst their number, such sub-committees as they deem necessary or expedient, and may depute or refer to them such powers and duties as the committee may determine. Such sub-committees shall periodically report their proceedings to the committee, and shall conduct the business in accordance with the directions of the committee.
1. Minutes shall be taken of ALL MEETINGS of the committee, or any sub-committee appointed by them, and shall be open to the inspection of any paid up member of the club at any reasonable time, upon applying to the secretary for same. Proper books of accounts shall be kept and any paid up member shall have a like right of inspection thereof, and of any account kept by the club. The accounts of the club shall be made up to the last day of December each year, at which date a statement showing the Income and Expenditure of the club shall be prepared, together with a balance sheet showing the state of the clubs affairs at that date. Annual General Meeting minutes will be circulated to all paid up members prior to the following annual general meeting.
1. At any meting, in case of difference, any one member may demand that the vote shall be made by ballot, and there- upon a ballot of the members present shall be taken. In all other cases the voting shall be done by a show of hands, or as the chairman directs.
1. The following DECLARATION OF HONOUR applies to all members of the club, and any infringement thereof will be dealt with summarily.
All members of the NORTHERN PROVINCIAL BULL TERREIR CLUB do undertake not to exhibit for competition deaf Bull Terriers and, furthermore, that they will support the club in every way practible to stop the exhibiting of deaf dogs, whether owned by members or any one else. Members also declare that they will not offer for sale or be any way concerned in the sale or offering for sale of deaf Bull terriers. Further members selling Bull Terriers sell them under a guarantee that their hearing is normal. Nor will any member knowingly use a deaf dog as a sire or breed from a deaf bitch. The definition of deafness is, for the purpose of this declaration any dog that cannot hear perfectly.
1. The club is registered with the Kennel Club, and each member of the club shall be bound to observe all the rules, regulations and directives from time to time made from the Kennel Club, so far as they are applicable to the club and its affairs.
2. The Kennel Club shall be the final Court of Appeal or umpire in all questions of disputes of any kind what so ever arising out of any show held by the permission of the Kennel club.
3. The Kennel Club is the authority for interpreting the Rules and Regulations of the club in all cases relative to canine or club matters.
**4.The club will make a list of all members and their addresses. Such lists will be forwarded to the Kennel Club with annual returns. Up to date lists of members will be available for inspection by the Kennel Club and members of this club. (K.C .06-92 Para 5& 3a12. 01-07-97)
**5 Expulsion of members. Ant member who shall be suspended under Kennel Club rule A42j (4) and/ or any members whose dog(s) is/are disqualified under Kennel Club rule A42j (8) shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the society for the duration of the suspension and /or disqualification. (K.C .3a6 01-07-97).
5.1 If the conduct of any member shall, in the opinion of the committee of the society be injurious or likely to be injurious to the character or interests of the society, the committee of the society may, at a meeting the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the member, determine that a special General Meeting of the society shall be called for the purpose of passing as resolution to expel him/her.
5.2 Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the meeting that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the meeting, a resolution to expel is passed by a two thirds majority of the members present and voting, his/her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of members, and he/she shall thereupon cease for all purpose to be a member of the society except that he/she may, within two calendar months from the date of such meeting, appeal to the Kennel Club upon the subject to such condition as the Kennel Club may impose. (K.C 06.92para10)
5.3 Any expelled member for discreditable conduct in connection with dogs, dog shows or competitions will be reported to the Kennel Club within 7(seven) days of such action, together with all relevant details. (K.C. 3a7 01-07-97)
The officers acknowledge during the month of January each year, maintenance of title fee will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the secretary for continuance of registration and that be 31st July each year, other returns, as stipulated in Kennel Club regulations for registration and maintenance of title of societies and Breed councils and the affiliation of agricultural societies and municipal authorities be forwarded to the Kennel Club.
6.1 The officers also acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any changes of secretary of the society which may occur during the course of the year. (K.C 06.92para 14)
**7 No person whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the committee or hold any other office or appointment within a Kennel Club registered society.
1. The club may not join any federations or societies or clubs (K.C. 3a 11. 01-07-97)
1. Donations of cups, Trophies etc. Will only be accepted by the club upon the understanding by the donor(s) of such item(s) that they will become the outright property of the Club
2.Any member who shall win one or more of the clubs cups or trophies and wishes to take possession of same, must give a receipt in writing, also guarantee their safe keeping, to the secretary. Members shall be liable for full value of said cups and trophies to be returned to the secretary to his or her address (or other specified location) on the holder receiving seven clear days notice in writing to this effect, which notice may be given at any time.
3. In the event of the club being wound up, all cups and trophies which have not been won outright shall be returned to the donor(s) if living, or otherwise the officers and committee shall decide on their disposal.
1 All previous rules are hereby rescinded.
The following code of ethics applies to all members of the club. Any infringement will be dealt with summarily. All results being reported to the Kennel Club, with all rights of appeal being allowed.
1. I will appreciate the unique nature of the Bull Terrier and provide responsible care at all times.
2. I will consider the welfare of the Bull Terrier above personal gain and profit.
3. I will act with responsible and courteous behaviour privately and publicly as a representative of the Bull Terrier breed and the Northern Provincial Bull Terrier Club. This includes having control of my Bull Terrier at all times, cleaning up after dogs in public places, leaving public facilities, i.e. parks show venues etc, in the same condition in which they were found.
4. I shall become familiar with and will abide by the rules of the Kennel Club.
5. I will not engage in any dog fighting activities and encourage all others to pass on such information to the appropriate authorities.
6. I will not, in any way knowingly misrepresent, mislead or de fraudulent. I will be open with all persons interested in the welfare of the Bull Terrier and will discuss possible genetic defects in my own stock.
7. I will endeavour to use all available health screening tests as recommended by the Kennel Club prior to breeding for Hearing (BAER) Heart (auscultation by cardiologist) Kidney Disease (UPC test) with consideration given to the following: PKD (ultrasound) LAD and Patella Luxation.
1. I shall not knowingly use a dog or bitch for breeding purposes that has any known genetics defects harmful and detrimental to the physical and mental wellbeing of the Bull Terrier.
2. I will avoid breeding from any Bull Terrier dog or bitch which has not passed the basic KC health requirements for the Breed.
3. I will not breed from any bitch until she is mature and in no case under the age of ONE YEAR. I will consider the health and well being of the bitch when determining the frequency of breeding.
4. I will produce Bull Terrier puppies only to improve the breed and only when adequate care can be provided in raising and placing the puppies.
5. I will avoid breeding and being party to the breeding of a Bull Terrier for the wholesale trade of litters or commercial sources of distribution.
6. I will advise honestly
7. Stud services will only be offered to pure bred Bull Terrier bitches registered with the Kennel Club
8. I will be responsible for the placement of puppies afflicted with genetic defects without Kennel Club papers to non breeding "pet" homes.
9. I will encourage tattooing of all puppies and adults and the registration of such tattoos or any other approved system for the purposes of identification.
10. I will sell or place Bull Terriers only after I am convinced that the buyer/new owner will provide responsible and humane care.
11. I will explain to prospective owners their obligation regarding Bull Terriers and will provide consultation on request.
12. When selling puppies I will offer a written agreement of sale. If the puppy is not to be used for breeding, the Kennel Club registration document should be endorsed "progeny not available for registration" or "not for export" this is reversible at the breeders discretion.
13. I will endeavour to supply an "after sales service" and take responsibility for any dog or bitch I have bred or owned which is in distress or becomes homeless.
14. I shall keep accurate record, registration papers and pedigrees and will be certain to give the new owner of any Bull Terrier sold by me the registration papers or a bill of sale and will forward other papers when available.
All Members of the Northern Provincial Bull Terrier Club undertake to abide by its general Code of Ethics
Club Members
1. Will properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required.
2. Will agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural conformation of the animal, may report such operation to the Kennel Club.
3. Will agree that no healthy puppy will be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the breed standard should be placed in suitable homes.
4. Will abide by all aspects of the Animal Welfare Act or similar legislation.
5. Will not create demand for, nor supply, puppies that have been docked illegally
6. Will agree not to breed form a dog or bitch which could be in any way harmful to the dog or the breed.
7. Will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or those carrying out official duties.
8. Will ensure their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under effective control when away from home.
9. Will clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited
10. Will only sell dogs when there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life and will help with the rehoming of a dog if the initial circumstances change.
11. Will supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home.
12. Will ensure that all relevant Kennel Club documents are provided to the new owner when selling or transferring a dog and will agree, in writing, to forward and relevant documents at the earliest opportunity, if not immediately available.
13. Will not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind. Will not sell by sale or auction Kennel Club registration certificates as stand alone items (not accompanying a dog).
14. Will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed nor falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a dog.