Images from Open Show 14th July 2024 and interclub Bricktops Competition

Your Judges for this show: Lisa Villensia (Villensia) Open Show
Bob Blackley (Vaevictis) & Tavi Galla (Vetsbullies) Bricktops Comp.
Bull Terrier: Judge Lisa Villensia (Villensia)
I would like to thank the Northern Provincial Bull Terrier Club Committee for giving me the opportunity to judge for this prestigious Club & to all of the exhibitors & spectators for their support. I thoroughly enjoyed the day & went over some beautiful animals, thank you.
Best in Show : Kenxtwen Let's Go

Best Puppy in Show : Aricon Eyeanna at Olliebrad

1. PD. Beckinsale's Teirwgwyn Fully Loaded at Cywbullys

Beautiful white pup with ample bone, powerful head with turn and fill & deep under jaw correct mouth, tiny dark eyes , strong neck shoulders ,deep fore chest, good top line and rear quarters, well sprung rib , tight feet moved well both ways, well presented.
2.PD. Szewczyk's Quentinhill Red Samureye

Red & white , long filled head, good expression & ear placement , good reach of neck leading into correct shoulder, short back, good rear angulation , moved well , presented in immaculate condition.
3.PD. Hedges' Civert Border Reiver

Another upstanding youngster, Brindle & white , beautiful filled head , good expression, well placed ears , neck , straight front & the tightest cat like feet. Good rear angulation, Held his top line on the move , a lot to like , just needs to mature .
Res.PD. Mills' Rightstuff Black Knight

VHC.PD. Roughton's Kingsbryn Dragon Heart

1.JD. RBD Karta-Williams/Williams'
Karmara's Sugar Daddy

White /eye patch , beautiful long head completely filled with no indentation , tiny well placed eye giving a wicked expression , long neck, straight front & tight feet .
Level top line and good tail carriage, moved well both ways , well presented & well schooled .
1.ND. Thomas' Kenzduo Black Bean at Dukerline

Well presented Black Brindle with a powerful filled head , wicked expression & well placed ears. Deep fore chest, straight front , good round bone , well sprung ribs , strong quarters a little heavy today which affected his movement. Well presented & well handled.
2.ND. Mills' Rightstuff Black Knight

Very smart Black Brindle , Nice length of head good fill & gentle profile good expression correct mouth , good reach of neck, straight front , good top line , well set tail, would like a little more rear angulation moved well both ways, needs more time to mature , shown in immaculate condition both Dog & handler .
PGD (2)
1.PGD. Adamson's Nevernights Eclipse

Tricolour, Nicely filled head with bags of bone & wide muzzle , good expression, straight front good substance throughout, good spring of rib , kept a level top line whilst on the move.
Shown in good hard condition, well handled .
LIMIT Dog (2)
1.LIMIT DOG. BD, BIS Townend's Kenxtwen Let's Go

Power packed Red & white dog. Sweeping profile, super strong filled head with well placed eyes & ears giving him good expression. Perfect bite, deep fore chest , gun barrel front , tight feet well sprung ribs & the shortest of backs , bone and substance throughout, correct angulation front and rear, he does take his time to get into his stride but once his does he moves with drive, overall a well balanced quality male. Presented in first class condition , handled well , a credit to his owners.
2.LIMIT DOG. Hird's Blazinbullys White Warrior

White Dog , well filled head without exaggeration, good neck, straight front & well sprung ribs, enough bone, moved well both ways , presented in good condition & well handled.
OPEN Dog (2)
1.OD. Beckinsale's Cywbullys Thundering Tank

A power packed red Dog , with ample bone short powerful filled head, strong wide muzzle, a tiny eye giving a wicked expression, deep fore chest, well sprung ribs , short back , powerful quarters , moved ok , hard to assess movement as he was full of life & a little unruly today , presented in good hard condition.
1.VD. BVIS, Sutcliffe's Tilleah Jessee James at Dotannebull

Handsome red and white , strong filled head , plenty of bone and substance, lovely straight front , tight feet, moved well both ways & enjoyed his time in the ring , a pleasure to judge. Presented in great condition.
2.VD. Karta-Williams/Williams' Moonflower Tumen of Karmara

Big upstanding white Dog , completely filled head , good make and shape, deep fore chest, strong quarters, he moved well both ways , well presented & another who enjoyed his time & fuss in the ring .
1.PB. BPIS, Bradley's Aricon Eyeanna at Olliebrad

A very classy white / red eye patch , beautiful type, feminine head filled and turned, tiny dark eye , well placed ears , good reach of neck flowing into good shoulders, straight front & tight feet .
Good quarters, moved well both ways ,she didn’t stop showing, overall a well balanced youngster with a bright future.
2.PB. Townend's Quentinhill Eye Galactica

Beautiful white youngster , well balanced , well filled feminine head good eye and ear placement, long neck into correct shoulder, straight front, good topline and tail set , good rear angulation, Moved well both ways.
Well handled & presented .
3.PB. Wright's Rightstuff Mythical Star

Brindle , very pretty feminine bitch with good bone and substance, a well filled turned head ,small dark eye and well placed ears, deep chest, straight front and good top line & well angulated quarters. Moved & handled well.
1.JB. Catilina's Dofro Hotstepper

A quality white , full of breed type, lovely long filled head , good mouth , small dark eye , correct ear placement giving a wicked expression. straight front, good top line held on the move, a very showy youngster with a lot to like , Well handled & presented.
2.JB. Leigh's Venus Back Flash at Bullwizz

Beautiful rich Brindle bitch, feminine filled and turned head with good finish, good eye and ear placement, deep chest, good round bone , straight front, good topline and tail set. Well handled & presented .
3.JB. Sutcliffe's Dotannebull Black Widow

Beautiful feminine white , well balanced , long filled head, good expression, straight front & tight feet, good bone for size, moved well both ways , well handled & presented.
1.NB. Szpak's Sparta Z Rzymskich Legionow

White Bitch , long filled head & good profile, correct mouth, good expression, straight front, correct angulation, moved well both ways, presented & handled well .
2.NB. Hackett's Spartiate
Dream Weaver

Big upstanding tricolour bitch, powerful filled head full of bone, deep muzzle & under jaw, good eye & ear placement. Straight front , good spring of rib, she was difficult to assess unfortunately she didn’t want to be in the ring today, I’m sure her time will come. Well presented & good condition.
PGB (3)
1.PGB. RBB, Adamson's Nevernights Little Crow

Beautiful brindle & white with a strong filled head with no indentation, well placed eye & ear , giving a good expression. Gun barrel front , good feet, round bone, deep fore chest, strong neck & good spring of rib, moved well both ways .
Presented in immaculate condition a credit to her owners .
1.LB. BB, BOS,RBIS, Cambell's Clansmann Flame of Glory

Outstanding Red bitch , with a lot to like, a gentle feminine profile with plenty of fill, correct mouth wicked expression, well placed ears, good length of neck, straight front, tight feet, good topline which she held on the move, good rear angulation & second thigh. Moved well both ways, her presentation & schooling is exceptional & and credit to her owners .
2.LB. Machin's Orbal Hot Enough

Beautiful big tricolour, strong filled head without exaggeration, correct mouth, good length of neck, good round bone. Moved well both ways .
Presented in good hard condition & beautiful coat .
1.OB. Westwood's Tulsadoom Meshuggeneh

Top Quality compact white, beautiful filled head with no indentation, wicked expression, Nice length of neck , straight gun barrel front, tight feet, good round bone, good rear angulation well-made throughout. Moved well both ways .
Well Presented & handled .
3.OB. Karta-Williams/Williams'
Karmara's Tough Tyger

2.OB. Sheehy's Afanbull
Luna Steel

White / eye patch, very smart bitch, beautiful turned filled head, with a tiny eye giving a wicked expression, good mouth, straight front , short back & good tail set & well angulated quarters. Well presented , Moved well both ways.
Heavyweight deep brindle bitch, beautiful long filled head & deep underjaw, plenty of bone, strong neck & shoulders, straight front, moved well both ways, well handled & presented .
1.VB. Hedges' Serenbull Back to Black at Civert

Absolutely beautiful solid bitch, lovely filled & turned head, well balanced, very compact, moved well, she’s in fantastic condition & a pleasure to see her enjoying her day in the ring .
JUDGES: Bob Blackley (Vaevictis) and Tavi Galla (Vetsbullies)

NDDBTC Winning Team with 29 points and will host the Bricktops Inter Club Competition in 2025

NPBTC Runner Up Team with 24 points

EABTC Team in third Place with 7 points

Judge Bob Blackley
My co-assessor was Tavi Galla, I was first of all happy to be invited to judge the Bricktops Competition with myself being a non-specialist, but I have been interested in all of the terrier Bull Breeds for all of my judging career.
CLASS 1 (Dogs Under 2 years)
NDDBTC (Green Team) 8 points

BB Green Team
Good white dog with a good head and ears, well balanced for age, well boned with good angulation, moved well both ways.
NPBTC (red team) 6 points

BB Red Team
Good brindle and white dog, not mature yet, but a good headshape with good fill and strong jaw, just needs to mature, well boned and a good balance to him, moved well both ways with reach and drive, well handled.
CLASS 2 (Bitches Under 2 years)
NDDBTC (Green Team) 8 points

BB Green Team
Good brindle and white bitch with a good head and expression, strong jaw, good bone, well constructed and good shape, well balanced, moved well both ways with reach and drive.
NPBTC (red team) 6 points

BB Red Team
Good white bitch with a good head and eye, showing expression, enough bone, well bodied, moved ok but a little erratic.
CLASS 3 (Dogs Over 2 years)
NDDBTC (Green Team) 7 points

BB Green Team
Good head and expression, well boned, good shape and balance, well bent stifle but hocks could be better, on movement reluctant to put rear foot on the floor.
NPBTC (red team) 7 points

BB Red Team
Good strong dog with a good head and fill, good overall shape and balance, well muscled, good topline, moved well both ways but tends to be a little wide in front.
CLASS 4 (Bitches Over 2 years)
EABTC (Yellow Team) 7 points

BB Yellow Team
Good head and ears, enough bone, well bodied, with a good topline, rear construction could be better, thus shown in the movement.
NDDBTC (Green Team) 6 points

BB Green Team
Good headed bitch, with a strong jaw, well boned front, good body and topline, well angulated rear, moved well both ways with drive.
NPBTC (red team) 5 points

BB Red Team
Good bitch with a good head and expression, good overall shape and balance, good quarters, moved well.