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Alena Malchanova (MBTs);
Jamie Emett (Bull Terriers)

Alison Roberts (Trophies)
Naomi Ramsure (Junior Handling)
Best in Show: Lovely Doris of Blaisers
Best in Show was determined by the two judges

Best Puppy in Show : Jasjak Fyre Lily
Best Puppy in Show was determined by the two Judges and the Referee

Well done to our Junior Handlers, Judge Naomi Ramsure (Ramsure's)

Bull Terriers: Judge Jamie Emett (Brookbully)
1. Kamara's Double Jeopardy, BPD
Karta-Williams+Williams, Just under 10 months old, white with eye patch, big lad with plenty of substance for age, good length to head, bite ok, straight front with good bone and tight feet, correct rear angulation, moved well coming and going.
1. Rightstuff Ace
Wrights, 16 month old white with head markings, head was of good length with clean unbroken profile, straight front with lovely tight feet, good topline and well angulated rear,moved well both ways.

3. Blazinbullys White Warrior

2. Afanbull Peams Bear
Sheehy's, 12 months old white with head marks, head compleatly filled up, small eye giving good expresion, straight front, feet could be a touch tighter, needs to fill out a bit more in body, but that will come with age as only just out of puppy, rear angulation was good, movement was ok.

4. Clansmann Firestarter

1. Boris The Blade
Molyneux's, 3 year old white with tri eye patch, head had good length, but would like a touch more in profile, good eye and ear set, straight front with good bone, well angulated in the rear, could be a touch shorter in length to complete picture.


1. Vetsbullies Killing Music
Robinson's, 4 year old white with brindle ears, nice length to head with good finish, bite ok, correct ear set, good shoulders and front,well balanced boy who didnt stop showing, moved well both ways.
2. Gorbain Gunning for Trouble at Luapener
Rene's, 4 and half year old white with red ear marking, not as clean in head as 1, good shoulders into straight front with nice tight feet, good balance to him, makes handler work on the move.

3. Beebeemi Snow Soldier

1. Bluepoint Sparrowhawk,RBD
Heath and Morris's , 19 month old white with red ear, head had a lovely profile and finish, with good eye and correct bite, good lay of shoulder and stright front, level topline which held on move, very well put together just needs to body up a touch more which will come as matures, moved good coming and going.

1. Tewkabull Peaky Blinder,
Tewkesbury's, 3 year old white, strong head that was good in profile with plenty of fill, small eye, well placed ears and correct bite, good shoulders and forechest, straight front with plenty of bone, correct topline, could maybe have a touch more angulation in the rear, but still moved with purpose.

2. Kamara's Little Big Man
Karta-Williams + Williams's, substantial red and white 2 year old, head had long gentle profile with big finish, good shoulders and straight front, correct topline which held on move, strong well angulated qtrs, well schooled and didnt stop showing, moved well coming and going.

3. Olliebrad Supersonic

Veteran Dog
1. Emred Devil's Advocate, BV
Lamonby & Duran's , 9 and a half year old red & white, head was good in profile with nice depth of muzzle, good shoulders with straight front, correct topline, excelent condition for age, moved better coming that going. BVIS

1. Jasjak Fyre Lily BPIB, RBB, BPIS
Ryan's, 7 month old red and white bitch, femine head with gentle profile, correct shoulders into straight front with lovely tight feet, correct topline and tail set, not the biggest girl but well balanced throughout, movement was good coming and going.

1. Orbal Hot Enough
Machin's, 17 month old tri, strong head with correct bite, straight in front with good bone, touch high in rear when stood, moved ok.

2. Clansmann Flame of Glory
Cambell's, nice feminine head with gentle profile, good bite, touch upright, straight in front, lovely tight feet, well angulated quarters, moved ok, close decision but prefered the overall substance of 1.

1. Quentinhill Mesmereyesing
Benitez's,18 month old white with black ears, head had good length to it, but would like a bit more turn and fill, straight front, correct topline and enough in rear angulation, moved ok.

1. Cigano Little Miss Thunder at Tewkabull
Tewkesburys , 6 year old tri, head was gentle in profile, with good bite, prefer a touch more fill, straight front, good topline and tailset,moved ok
1. Lovely Doris at Blaisers BB, BOB, BIS
Dorrington's, Brindle and white 3 year old, head had nice gentle profile and correct bite, good shoulders and well pronounced forechest into straight front and nice tight feet, strong well angulated rear, moved well coming and going.

3. Villensia Happy Vali

2. Lovely Jubbly Pumpkin
Hirst's, white girl with black ears, just out of pup at 12 months old, more gentle profile than 1, good bite, straight in front, but feet could be tighter, didnt seem happy today and didnt make the most of herself.

2. Ramsure's White Orchid
Ramshaw's, 21 month old white, lovely head that was filled up, bite correct, good shoulders and straight front, feet could be touch tighter, presented in excellent condition, but didnt make the most of herself.

1. Miandale Ice Queen
Dodd's, 23 month old white with red ear, lovely femine head with correct bite, good shoulders and straight front, level topline and good tail set, movement was better in front than behind, well presented.

2. Kamara's Little White Lie
Karta-Williams + Williams,2 year old white with double eye patch, bigger girl than 1, with planty of substance, good length to head with nice finish, staight front with plenty of bone, feet could be tighter, well angulated in rear, at one with handler.

1. VETERAN BITCH,Thompson and Woodward's IRE CH WARHORSE DEATH OR GLORY, 10 year old brindle and white, lovely head, good shoulders and forechest, straight front with tight feet, rear angulation was good, well schooled and didnt stop showing, movement was better in front than behind.

3. Razorsedge Walk This Way with Fergustaff

2. Benitez's BRUTAL BULL MAGIE (IMP ESP) 9 year old white with black ears, not the head of 1,, straight front, feet untidy, well balanced through out, lovely temperment, happy girl who enjoyed her day out.

Miniature Bull Terriers:
Judge Alena Malchanova (Topabully)
I would like to thank who supported me in my first judging appointment, Northern Provincial BTC committee for inviting and all exhibitors for the entry and bringing their dogs for me to go over, taking in account the weather on a day. All dogs were in excellent condition, high quality which made my choice ever so hard, especially open bitch class. Finally, I would like to thank my stewards who supported me throughout the day and boosted my confidence.
1.Graymor Glacial Harvest for Neverland (D)
Mrs & Mr D & G Godsall & Hughes White dog with black head markings. What an impressive youngster at 6 month old, small for size with plenty bone and substance for his age. Head with good profile with good width and fill on a muzzle. Small well placed ears. Small eyes with good expression. Good mouth. Good length of the neck. Would prefer better front angulations, if to be very picky. Correct tail carriage. Very pleased to award him BP, BD, BOB.

2. Jenkir Artemis (B), RBB
Mrs & Mr & Mrs D & R & J Wilson & Harrison Very pretty 6 months old brindle and white bitch. Has good amount of bone and substance for size and age. Feminine head with gentle profile, would prefer more width and fill on a muzzle to complete the picture. Correct mouth. Correctly placed ears, which uses really well. Good set of eyes and expression. Nice reach of the neck, good spring of the ribs, straight front and round cat feet. Moved well coming and a little bit close behind.

1. Seayess Mistycal Star (B)
Mr & Mrs C & K Stephens & Farmer Tricolour 1 year old bitch, very shy and not very confident in a ring which makes it hard to appreciate all her virtues. Nicely sized attractive head with good profile and good fill. Ears bang on a top, very good eye expression. Good mouth. Deep chest with good spring of the ribs. Good shoulder placement, moved well both ways once settled. Could do with some more ring presence.
2. Howfenbulls Dark Knight (D)
Mr & Mrs S & N Battel Presented in excellent condition 14 month old solid black brindle dog. Nicely shaped, deep head with good depth, narrow muzzle, correct mouth, correct ear placement, dark eyes with correct expression. Moved well both ways holding his top line throughout. Would prefer tighter feet. A little bit high tail carriage.

1. Badlesmere Barbed Wire at Giffenbull
Mr & Mrs S & N Battel Very typey 3 years old white with ear mark dog. Good head with sweeping profile, good finish and fill. Nice small ears. Good mouth. Very well made for a bone and substance throughout. Good reach of the neck, good depth of the chest, tight cat feet. Well developed second thighs. A bit upright in shoulder.

1. Grandopera Classicist BB, RBOB,BOS
Mr & Mrs & Mrs D & E & V Clark & Clark & Fox Beautifully presented very typey black brindle and white bitch. Strong head with good length and plenty fill. Neat small ears with correct placement. Small eyes with correct expression. Misplaced left canine. Strong neck into strong front and deep chest. This girl has impressive amount of bone and substance. Strong, round for bone forelegs into round and compact feet, on her toes. Very showy girl, moved well both ways, very muscular second thighs. Correct tail carriage. Very well handled. Happy to award BB, RBOB, BOS, very close call for BOB.

2. Risibully Girls on Film with Fergustaff
Mrs L J Marshallsay Lovely tricolour bitch, typey, different to first, well constructed. Sweeping profile with plenty depth and fill. Well placed ears, good eye expression. Mouth fault. Elegant neck, straight front and strong hind angulations, could be better lay of the shoulders. Good amount of bone for size. Moved well both ways. Pleasing for an eye showgirl that enjoys being in a ring.

Annual Tropies:
Judge Alison Roberts(Teirwgwyn)
Orbal Hot Enough

Miandale Entrantress

Tewkabull Peaky Blinder

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