Images from the Club's Open Show October 2021, Judge Mr Roger Woodward (Gorbain)

Child Handling Class Winners : Poppy; Ollie and Chloe

1. Puppy Dog, BPIS Afanbull Valentino

2. Dragus Born to be Loved

3. Borelis Rex
1st AFUNBUL VALENTINO (MR J W SHEEHY) 8 month old striking tri coloured male, good profile with correct ear and eye placement with a perfect mouth. Beautiful reach of neck. Plenty of bone with the tightest of cat like feet. Moved a little loose in the front which is to be expected at this age. Moved parallel with drive behind with a beautiful bend of stifle with a correct length of hock. BP. 2nd DRAGUS BORN TO BE LOVED (MR & MRS B&L PALIN) 10 month old brindle & white substantial male, good profile, correct ear set and good eye placement. Instanding canine. Plenty of bone with the tightest of feet, held is top line on move, little close moving both ways. 3rd BORELIS REX (MR W KINDER)

1. Novice Dog Bluepoint Legacy at Rightstuff

2. Tilleah Iceman

3. Big Alan
1st BLUEPOINT LEGACY AT RIGHTSTUFF (MR & MRS C J &J WRIGHT) 21 month old heavyweight brindle and white male, power packed head, with good mouth, dark eye, strongest of necks leading into a correct shoulder, plenty of bone, held his top line on the move, lovely bend of stifle and correct length of hocks, moved well both ways with plenty of drive in the rear, just turns his front left leg out. Gave his handler a hard time today. 2ndTILLEAH ICEMAN (MRS S MOORE) 2 yr old tall substantial white male. Lovely profile, good eye placement, correct ear set, untidy mouth, lovely reach of neck leading into correct upper arm and shoulders, held his top line on the move, moved better coming and going. Unfortunately came up against the class winner today. 3rd BIG ALAN ( MR & MRS JJ & CE VEITCH & HILL)

2. Bruneye Bismark for Casodon
1. Post Grad Dog BIS Cigano Tiger King by Topfuel
1stCIGANO TIGER KING BY TOPFUEL (MR S POTTER) 19 month old red and white male. Took my eye as soon as he entered the ring. Beautiful profile, correct eye and ear placement, perfect mouth with powerful under jaw, beautiful reach of neck into correct shoulder, to be ultra picky I would like to see a slightly better upper arm, short back which he held on the move, moved with reach coming, parallel with drive going, a dog destined for top honours. Gave his handler a run for his money .BD BIS. 2nd BRUNEYE BISMARK FOR CASDOON (MR & MRS D & C PLEASANTS) 3yr old brindle and white heavyweight male. This male is the optimum of maximum substance for size. The most powerful of heads with a super strong underjaw, undershot, powerful neck leading into correct shoulder placement, maximum bone with the tightest of feet, held his top line on the move, good coming, a little close going, unfortunately today he came up against the class winner.

1. Limit Dog RBIS Olliebrad Javarke Roll With It

2. Castellnedd White Thunder at Shwntarw
3. Jasna Locked and Loaded
1st OLLIEBRAD JAVARKE ROLL WITH IT (MRS J JOHNSON) 19 month old compact white male. Beautiful gentle profile with correct eye and ear placement, correct mouth, good reach of neck leading into correct shoulder and upper arm,correct tail set, short back which he held on the move, moved well both ways with the correct bend of stifle and length of hock,I would just like to see tidier front feet but a good dog all round that unfortunately came up against the Best in Show male, otherwise he would of taken top honours today. RBD RBS. 2nd CASTELLNEDDWHITE THUNDER AT SHWNTARW (MR & MRS JL & T HODGES) 4 yr old upstanding white male, lovely profile with a good eye and correct ear set, untidy mouth with a very strong under jaw, lovely reach of neck leading into correct lay of shoulders with a good upper arm. Held his top line on the move, just better coming than going, a lovely clean shape to this dog. 3RD JASNA LOCKED AND LOADED (MR & MISS SJ &J SYKES)
1st BRIDEN BACKCHAT (MR & MRS B&D SMALLEY) 9 yr old white male, what can I say, a quality male for his age, loved him when he was being shown as a younger male many moons ago, he thoroughly enjoyed his day out, trotted up and down the mat like he was in it to win it. Always a pleasure and an honour to go over the seniors. BV.

1. Veteran Dog BV Briden Backchat

1. Puppy Bitch Biboen Ornate Orchid

2. Rabram River Phoenix for Casodon

3. Deverclifft Siver Spirit
1st BILBOEN ORNATE ORCHID (MRS MCCLAREN) 8 month old dark brindle and white bitch, correct profile with lovely eye and ear placement with a very good mouth, lovely reach of neck leading to a very well placed shoulder and correct front, ample bone with the tightest of feet, moved well both ways for 8 months, just needs time to mature. When judging for best puppy it was a hairs breadth between this beautiful girl and the puppy dog, it was down to maturity on the day for the male, both quality pups and it could of been very different any other day, one to watch in the future. 2ND RABRAM RIVER PHOENIX FOR CASODON (MR & MRS D&C PLEASANTS) 10 month tri coloured bitch, she has the most beautiful sweeping profile with a tiny eye and correct ear set, mouth a little untidy, powerful neck leading into a correct front, short backed, moved better in the front than behind, would like to see tidier feet but a very good all round bitch that was handled to perfection. 3RD DEVERCLIFT (MR & MRS C&M CLIFT)
1ST SHWNTARW TRACEABILITY (MR & MRS JL & T HODGES) 12 month old brindle and white bitch, another lovely brindle and white bitch, beautiful profile, good strength of underjaw,perfect mouth, good reach of neck leading into correct front, moved very well both ways with drive and reach while holding her top line on the move, lovely bend of stifle and length of hock, just wasn’t comfortable today but her handler getting the very best out of her.

1. Novice Bitch, RBB. Lovely Doris
1. Junior Bitch : Shwntarw Traceability

2. Dragus Aria Andromeda

3. Rabram Riding The Storm at Bullseden
1STLOVELY DORIS (MR & MRS PW & LJ DORRINGTON) 2 yr old brindle and white bitch, extremely well balanced bitch, gentle unbroken profile, tiny well placed eye and correct ear set, couple of inscissors out, good reach of neck leading into a perfect front, ample bone and very tidy feet, moved beautifully both ways with plenty of drive and reach at the front, holding her top line on the move, just missing out on best bitch today by the tiniest of margins. RBB. 2nd DRAGUS ARIA ANDROMEDA (MR & MRS J & J DOBOSZ) 2 yr old brindle and white bitch, another quality bitch, lovely gentle profile, perfect mouth, good front and bone, moved well both ways, only just loosing out to #1 by being marginally longer in back and not having quite as tighter feet. 3rd RABRAM RIDING THE STORM AT BULLSEDEN (MR & MISS CJ & J AIREY & JOHNSON)

1 Limit Bitch, RBB, Lovely Doris
1st LOVELY DORIS (MR & MRS PW & LJ DORRINGTON) critique as above

1. Open Bitch, BB, BOS, Napier Lunar Eclipse

2. RBB Lovely Doris

3. Javarke Amara at Olliebrad

Res. Tilleah Devils Arcade
1st NAPIER LUNAR ECLIPSE (MR & MRS M & T FLETCHER) 14 month upstanding tri coloured bitch, a very elegant bitch, beautiful sweeping profile, excellent eye and ear placement with a strong underjaw, two tight canines, beautiful reach of neck leading into a perfect front with the correct amount of bone with the tidiest of feet. Moved correctly both ways holding her top line on the move at all times, with a correct bend of stifle and length of hock. One to keep an eye on.BB BOS. 2nd LOVELY DORIS (MR & MRS PW & LJ DORRINGTON) RBB. 3RD JAVARKE AMARA AT OLLIEBRAD (MR & MRS M & K BRADLEY). 4TH TILLEAH DEVILS ARCADE (MR A HARPER)

1. Veteran Bitch; Dikram Black Magic at Rabram 2. Bridens Summer Breeze
1ST DIKRAM BLACK MAGIC AT RABRAM (MR R LEGGATT) 11 yr old powerful black brindle bitch, in great condition for her age, powerful quality bitch all round that thoroughly enjoyed her day out and majestically strutted her stuff on the mat. 2ND BRIDENS SUMMER BREEZE (MR & MRS B & D SMALLEY) 9 yr old white bitch with eye patch, another beautiful senior, beautiful profile, well made throughout, like 1 moved as expected for their age, this lady thoroughly enjoyed her day out.